Gazo PRE-PAID wireless

Pre-Paid HotSpot Wireless Plans

  • Unlimited data trafic
  • 20 Mbit/s download speed per user
  • Time starts from first login

Voucher Valid Price
1 Day 24 Hours 3.00 €
3 Days 3 Days 5.00 €
7 Days 7 Days 10.00 €
14 Days 14 Days 15.00 €
30 Days 30 Days 20.00 €
60 Days 60 Days 35.00 €
90 Days 90 Days 50.00 €

About Pre-paid

Your access time starts from first login and lasts for the time period purchased. If you buy one day voucher and if you login at 08:00 am you can stay online untill 08:00 am next day.
Important notice:
1.) As prepaid user you can use your account on one device (PC, laptop, TAB or phone) at same time! If you wish to use on another device, you need WISP router.
2.) Speed of connection is based on the theoretical maximum allowed speed per user of the Gazo-HotSpot network. Actual speed will vary and may be slower. Many factors affect speed such as your distance from the HotSpot AP, the capacity and load of the AP’s, which bearer you are currently using (2.4 or 5 GHz), your hardware and software, the source of your download, and general internet traffic. The service is subject to network availability.

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